remineralize teeth

“The mouth is the gateway to the rest of the body, a mirror of our overall well-being.”
                                                                                                                           -Harold C. Slavkin

The way you care for your teeth can impact your heart! Gum Diseases can increase the risk  of a heart attack or stroke by 50 percent.

Two sets of teeth develop in life:
1. Primary set, comprising 20 teeth appear at about 6 months of age.
2. Secondary or permanent set, comprising 32 teeth replaces the primary set between the ages of 6 and 12 years which  can last for life if properly cared.

Teeth consist of three tissues, enamel, dentine and cementum. 

Enamel is a hard substance (stronger than bone) composed of calcium and phosphate and forms the outer surface of the tooth.

Natural healing mechanism of teeth is called Remineralization in which minerals are restored to the tooth's molecular structure.

Demineralization is the reverse of it.

Foods like dairy products, broccoli, almonds, leafy green vegetables, etc are rich in calcium and helps in boosting the health of teeth.

Cod liver oil is recommended for teeth health.

One need to include healthy fats in diet.

Foods like refined sugar needs to be avoided which reduces remineralization.